For our members

Exclusively for members of the banking association, we offer a range of offers which you will find bundled below.

The (voluntary) technical work of the Association is carried out in the working committees. Their members are appointed by the Assembly of Delegates of the Banking Association. Our statements and position papers  are usually voted on in the committees, are publicly available on our website.

Below the committees, many other units have been formed: Working groups and task forces on specific topics. The committees are supported by the business units of the banking association.


General Terms and Conditions of Business

The General Terms and Conditions of Business (so-called AGB-Banken) form the contractual basis for the business relationship between the bank and the customer, which often lasts for years. In addition to the AGB-Banken, business-specific conditions can be agreed between the bank and the customer (e.g. conditions for transfer transactions).

To the current sample of the AGB banks (german language only)

BdB portal

The BdB portal is the source of information for employees of our member institutions. Here you can find, for example, the specialist information and the weekly newsletter BdB-Info.

To the LogIn page of the BdB portal

Deposit protection for your clients

German banks offer their customers a level of protection for their savings deposits that is unique worldwide.

Information on deposit protection

Offers of the Bank-Verlag

Our subsidiary supports credit institutions in many practical banking and regulatory tasks through a comprehensive range of services.

Homepage of the Bank-Verlag

Events of the Banking Academy

The Banking Academy emerged from the Association for Bank Business Organisation. It brings together the previous offerings of the Bankenverband, Bank-Verlag and the Association for Bank Business Organisation.

Homepage of the Banking Academy

Ombudsman Scheme

Another joint task of the banking association for the member institutions is the ombudsman procedure - for cases of conflict between customer and bank.

Homepage of the Ombudsman Scheme