Statutes & Compliance

We have set ourselves far-reaching rules of conduct for our dealings with politicians and administrators, which everyone in the banking association must adhere to. You can find more information on this page - as well as our complete statutes.

Transparency in political advocacy and registration entries

We have been registered in the EU Transparency Register since 2008. You can find our entry under the register number 0764199368-97. We are also entered in the lobby register of the German Bundestag with the registration number R001458. You can read about how we behave towards politicians and which guidelines apply to all employees of the banking association in this respect in our Principles of Political Lobbying.

Alliance for Lobby Transparency

In May 2021, we were accepted as a member of the "Alliance for Lobby Transparency". There, together with other members such as the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), Transparency Germany, the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the association DIE FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany (NABU) or the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv), we are committed to better rules for transparent and open representation of interests. This policy document with the demands and positions of the Alliance for Lobby Transparency was created for the foundation. Here you can also find further information on the Banks' Association joining the Alliance for Lobby Transparency



We are an official supporter of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). The United Nations programme creates a framework for a sustainable banking industry. The focus is on integrating sustainability into all business areas of the participating banks. The focus is on aspects of integration at strategic, portfolio and transaction level. For more information, see our article on the Principles for Responsible Banking.

Antitrust compliance

We ensure compliance with the antitrust law framework for the association's work through internal guidelines and measures. In addition, each body of the banking association sets out its tasks and activities in a mission statement. In addition, each member of a committee must confirm that he or she recognises the standards for antitrust-compliant behaviour described in the guidelines.

Our Articles of Association

(For the sake of linguistic simplification, only the grammatically masculine form is used in some of the provisions of these Articles of Association. This always refers to people of any gender identity).

Status: April 2024