Organisational Chart
The Association of German Banks is divided into various divisions and topic groups. On this page you will find an overview of all contact persons and the organizational structure of the association.
On this page

Executive Board
Heiner Herkenhoff has been Managing Director of the Association of German Banks since April 2023. Herkenhoff was previously Head of Public Affairs at Commerzbank since 2009.
The specialist departments of the Association of German Banks are divided into three business divisions.
Business division Clients and Markets
The Business division Clients and Markets, headed by Miye Kohlhase, consists of the Teams Retail and Consumer Protection, Legal Affairs and Anti Money-Laundering, Fiscal Affairs and Participations, Capital Markets, Corporate Finance and Sustainable Finance.

Miye Kohlhase
Member of the Executive Board
Retail and Consumer Protection
The team Retail and Consumer Protection of the banking association works with an interdisciplinary team primarily on issues relating to business with private customers. The main topics include old-age provision, digital sales, retail banking, consumer protection, consumer policy and securities sales.

Dirk Stein
Retail and Consumer Protection

Jörg Buschan
Retail and Consumer Protection

Thomas Lorenz
Head of Recovery and Resolution

Stephan Mietke
Digital Finance

Fabian Schuster
Legal Affairs, Anti-Money Laundering
The team Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering advises the Association and its member banks on various areas of civil and public law as well as on anti-money laundering and competition law compliance.

Thorsten Höche
Head of Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Daniel Bierhoff
Working Student Capital Markets

Jörg Buschan
Retail and Consumer Protection
Andrea Edeling
Assistant Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Wulf Hartmann
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Sandro Hartmann
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering
Anke Klinger

Dr. Lambert Köhling, LL.M.
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Thomas Lorenz
Head of Recovery and Resolution

Dr. Elmira Mamedowa-Ahmad
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering
Dr. Andreas von Oppen
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Lothar Wand
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Anna-Lara Weigert
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering
Fiscal Affairs and Participations
The main goal of the team Fiscal Affairs is to improve the national and international tax framework for the business of private banks and their clients. It is committed to legal certainty and planning security.
To achieve this goal, the members of the team are active in important committees and organisations at the national and international level to represent the interests of private banks, inform the member institutions about current tax law developments as well as pronouncements of the tax authorities and support them in practical implementation.
In addition, it is the task of the team to ensure the tax compliance of the Association.

Joachim Dahm
Head of Fiscal Affairs and Participations

Dr. Mathias Brehe
Head of Operations and Finance

Jana Heinzmann
Operations and Finance
Dr. Daniel Hoffmann
Fiscal Affairs and Participations

Heiko Schreiber
Fiscal Affairs and Participations

Yokab Thomsen
Fiscal Affairs and Participations

Sabine Weber
Fiscal Affairs and Participations
Corporate Finance
The team deals with corporate and foreign trade finance, specifically SME and promotion policy as well as sanctions and public customers.

Dr. Hendrik Hartenstein
Head of Corporate Finance
Ina Brüggemann
European and International Affairs

Dr. Lambert Köhling, LL.M.
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering
René Lorenz
Capital Markets

Phillip Lang
Corporate Finance

Ruth von Oppen
Corporate Finance

Daniela Preiß
Corporate Finance

Laurence Rüß
Assistant Corporate Finance

Marc-Clemens Wecker
Corporate Finance
Capital Markets
The team looks at the national, European and international context. The colleagues are responsible for key account management vis-à-vis national, European and international institutions of capital market supervision.

Dr. Stefanie Heun
Head of Capital Markets
Dorit Bockelmann
Capital Markets
Kristin Kobel
Capital Markets

Dr. Lambert Köhling, LL.M.
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Jan-Teja Kraft
Capital Markets
René Lorenz
Capital Markets
Leo Müller
Capital Markets

Martin Pietzner
Capital Markets
Julian Röckendorf
Capital Markets

Edgar Seel
Capital Markets

Alexandra Walter
Capital Markets

Petra Rechelbacher
Assistant Capital Markets
Sustainable Finance
The Team works together with our member banks on solutions to jointly tackle and overcome the challenges in the area of sustainable finance. In consultation with the banks, the thematic group analyses and comments on legislative and other regulatory proposals at international, European and national level in order to help shape the future legal framework in a practical way. We are convinced that the transition to a resource-conserving economy can only succeed with the banks. This applies in particular to the financing of climate protection measures.

Torsten Jäger
Head of Sustainable Finance

Claudia Kister
Sustainable Finance

Silvia Schütte
Banking Supervision and Accounting

Adrian Schwantes
Sustainable Finance
Business division Political Affairs and Innovation
The Business division Political Affairs and Innovation, headed by Kolja Gabriel, consists of the teams Political Affairs Germany, European and International Affairs, Digital Finance, Payments and Banking Technology and Security.

Kolja Gabriel
Member of the Executive Board
Political Affairs Germany
The team shapes and coordinates the association's cooperation with the most important federal political institutions and is responsible for key account management vis-à-vis the Bundestag, the Federal Chancellery and important federal ministries.

Dr. Markus Kirchner
Head of Political Affairs Germany

Hannah Frohwein
Political Affairs Germany

Claudia Schulte
Political Affairs Germany
European and International Affairs
The European + International Affairs team initiates, coordinates and supports the association’s activities at European and international level.
The association has had a representative office in Brussels since 2004.

Ute Schmaltz
Head of European and International Affairs

Aljoscha Bechthold
European and International Affairs
Ina Brüggemann
European and International Affairs

Dan Constantin
European and International Affairs

Sabrina Steinkamp
European and International Affairs
Sonia Sivewright
European and International Affairs

Jeanette Vanderwaeren
Assistant European and International Affairs
Digital Finance
The focus of the work in the team Digital Finance is primarily on the data and platform economy, IT risks relevant to banking supervision, topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and cloud computing, as well as the Digital Agenda.

Tobias Tenner
Head of Digital Finance

Angela Bieler
Digital Finance

Dr. Philippe Gierth
Digital Finance

Nora Glasmeier
Digital Finance

Stephan Mietke
Digital Finance
The team deals with all payment methods, be it cash in retail or mobile phones in real time. Legal and organisational-technical framework conditions are necessary for smooth operation in order to create binding and therefore reliable procedures.

Dr. Ingo Beyritz
Head of Payments

Dr. Petra Fischer-Carius

Wulf Hartmann
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Matthias Lange

Jörg Schmiese

Albrecht Wallraf

Lothar Wand
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

Fabian Schuster
Banking Technology and Security
The team is primarily concerned with the further development of business processes, the establishment and further development of infrastructures in banks using digital technologies and the integration of innovative solutions such as biometrics, open banking and cloud services.

André Nash
Banking Technology and Security

Jörg Bernhauer
Banking Technology and Security

Diana Campar
Banking Technology and Security

Christoph Schmidt
Banking Technology and Security

Anh Hai Dang
Banking Technology and Security
Business division Banking Supervision, Deposit Protection and Organisation
The Business division Banking Supervision, Deposit Protection and Organisation, headed by Dr Hilmar Zettler, consists of the Banking Supervision and Accounting teams. It is also responsible for deposit protection and resolution.
Its activities centre on responsibility for the two deposit guarantee schemes for private banks in Germany The statutory compensation scheme of German banks (EdB) and the Deposit Guarantee Fund of the Association of German Bank (ESF) offer customers a level of protection for savings that is unique in the world and make an important contribution to the stability of the financial sector in Germany.

Dr. Hilmar Zettler
Member of the Executive Board
Banking Supervision and Accounting
The team Banking Supervision and Accounting deals with national and international banking regulation. The spectrum of content covers all current issues of banking supervision law and risk management, such as Basel IV/CRR/CRD, market, credit and liquidity risks, ICAAP/ILAAP, MaRisk and the treatment and assessment of equity instruments.

Michaela Zattler
Head of Banking Supervision and Accounting
Stefan Götz
Banking Supervision and Accounting

Sebastian Moll
Banking Supervision and Accounting

Adrian Neumann
Banking Supervision and Accounting

Nicole Quade
Banking Supervision and Accounting

Christian Saß
Banking Supervision and Accounting

Silvia Schütte
Banking Supervision and Accounting

Ingmar Wulfert
Banking Supervision and Accounting
The team deals with selected economic policy issues of particular relevance to the banking industry. These include monetary policy in particular. The team analyses the current economic situation and prepares its own economic forecast every six months.

Volker Hofmann
Head of Economics

Friederika Boehme

Maik Hoffmann
Working Student Economics
Deposit Protection Fund (ESF)
The Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks protects depositors even beyond the statutory deposit protection. Private individuals up to a maximum of five million euros at present and protected companies up to a maximum of 50 million euros.

Dominik Müller-Feyen
Head of Deposit Protection Fund (ESF)
Compensation Scheme of German Private Banks (EdB)
Deposits are legally protected in Germany up to 100,000 euros - in special cases up to 500,000 euros. As a statutory compensation scheme, the EdB takes over the protection of deposits at all the banks assigned to it in Germany.

Dr. Martin Boegl
Head of Compensation Scheme of German Private Banks (EdB)
Risk, Operations and Investments
The team is responsible for organising and conducting audits of the CRR credit institutions assigned to the EdB in accordance with the Deposit Guarantee Act and, in cooperation with the Auditing Association of German Banks, monitors the potential risk of a compensation event occurring at member institutions.

Jörg Ortgies
Head of Risk, Operations and Investments
Recovery and Resolution
The thematic group deals with the legal requirements for the restructuring and resolution of banks.

Thomas Lorenz
Head of Recovery and Resolution

Nicole Quade
Banking Supervision and Accounting
Anke Klinger
Department Banks and Society
The Department Banks and Society has the task of emphasising the role of banks and their positive contribution to the economy and society. The division is responsible for the conception, development and implementation of a professional and target group-appropriate event programme and promotes the topic of financial and economic education.

Sarah Schmidtke
Head of Banks and Society
Financial Education
The development of digital teaching materials for teachers, the distribution and creation of the Financial education Newsletter with interesting and current articles, the SCHULBANKER student competition and much more are part of the work of the team.

Andrea Grabner
Head of Financial Education

Sibel Balaban-Ströh
Financial Education

Heike Scharfenberg
Financial Education

Christian Jung
Digital Contents and Channels
The team plans and organises the German Banking Congress every three years and the annual reception in other years. It also organises other regular events, such as the BankenDialog series, Banks on Screen and the Hoffest.

Julia Topar
Head of Events
Annette Matthies-Zeiß
Annette Sendler-Stanitzek

Martin Sobiella
Department Communications
The teams Media Relations and Digital Content and Channels work in this department. The main communication disciplines are summarised here - from traditional media relations, publications, websites and moving images to social media.

Thomas Schlüter
Head of Communication

Katrin Hoffmann
Assistant Kommunikation
Media Relations
The team Media Relations is the press office of the Association of German Banks. The colleagues handle all media relations and are the first point of contact for representatives of the press. The team takes care of answering all press enquiries and organising press conferences and interviews.

Thomas Schlüter
Head of Communication

Dr. Kerstin Altendorf
press spokeswoman

Kathleen Altmann
press spokeswoman

Tanja Beller
press spokeswoman

Juliane Weiß
press spokeswoman

Christian Jung
Digital Contents and Channels

Janine Kern
Media Relations

Vivien Rottka
Media Relations

Yvonne Isbarn
Assistant Media Relations
Digital Content and Channels
The team is responsible for all of the Association of German Banks' websites - from to - and takes care of content and technical development as well as the various social media presences. The team also produces videos for the association.

Jan Berger
Head of Digital Content and Channels

Patrizia Anderl
Digital Content and Channels

Christian Jung
Digital Contents and Channels

Anja Kirchhof-Vogt
Digital Content and Channels

Ronja Kurth
Digital Content and Channels

Sabrina Timm
Digital Content and Channels
Department Strategy
The department strategy comprises the Executive Department and Stakeholders and Projects teams. Together, they support the management in the strategic direction of the association and take care of the members and statutory bodies.

Daniel Engelmann
Head of Strategy
Executive Department
The team Executive Department is responsible for supporting the Executive Board, the President and the statutory bodies. In addition, the staff team supports the Executive Board in the strategic planning and management of the association.

Daniel Engelmann
Head of Strategy

Dr. Peter Hüfner
Executive Department

Felix Krohne
Executive Department

Dr. Henrik Meyer
Executive Department
Stakeholders and Projects
The Stakeholders and Projects team is responsible for member support, topic and project management and supporting strategic processes. It provides methodological support and carries out central project controlling.

Mario Labes
Head of Stakeholders and Projects
Department Organisation
The Department Organisation ensures that everyone in the association can work and collaborate well and efficiently.

Dr. Dirk Franke
Head of Organisation

Heike Brockhusen
The team is responsible for HR management, HR development, HR systems and conceptual HR work in the Association of German Banks.

Katja Richter
Head of HR

Liesa Wald

Tania Witt

Dörte Hühn

Romy Wüstner
Working Student HR
Dispute Resolution and Account Tracing
The team takes care of the arbitration board of private banks and is the contact point for bank customers in complaint matters.

Julia Kern
Head of Dispute Resolution and Account Tracing

Alexandra Sparaga
Dispute Resolution and Account Tracing

Anni Durstewitz
Dispute Resolution and Account Tracing

Anne Großer
Dispute Resolution and Account Tracing
Kathrin Weckesser
Dispute Resolution and Account Tracing
Stefanie Sauer
Dispute Resolution and Account Tracing
Roberto Schweitzer
Dispute Resolution and Account Tracing
The team is responsible for the entire IT of the association with the components IT strategy, IT operation, IT purchasing, IT management as well as IT project management, in addition to the information and communication systems of the association and external IT services. The thematic group is part of the Organisation division.

Marcel Neiber
Head of IT-Management

Daniela Lemke

Ofer Lidor
IT Management

Sophie Richter

Wolfgang Schäfer
Anna-Maria Häusler
Operations and Finance
The team is responsible for building and process management, digital and analogue documentation, language services, accounting, travel management and controlling within the association, all incoming and outgoing mail and other internal support functions.

Dr. Mathias Brehe
Head of Operations and Finance

Kate McCane
Operations and Finance

Stephanie Bußmann
Operations and Finance

Jana Heinzmann
Operations and Finance
Martin Haynes
Operations and Finance

Steffen Büchsenschuß
Operations and Finance
Lars Köhler
Operations and Finance