Public Affairs

The Association of German Banks represents the interests of private banks in Germany. In this function, it is the first point of contact for parliaments, ministries, authorities and political parties at national and European level on all issues relating to the banking industry.

On this page

Our Berlin office

Our contacts in the Berlin office

Markus Kirchner

Dr. Markus Kirchner

Head of Political Affairs Germany

+49 (30) 1663 2250
Hannah Frohwein

Hannah Frohwein

Political Affairs Germany

+49 (30) 1663 1578
Claudia Schulte

Claudia Schulte

Political Affairs Germany

+49 (30) 1663 2251
Our Brussels office

Our contacts in the Brussels office


Avenue des Arts 56
1000 Bruxelles

Phone: +32 - 2 7 88-22 00

Transparency Register of the European Commission

Ute Schmaltz

Ute Schmaltz

Head of European and International Affairs

+32 (474) 287 879
Aljoscha Bechthold

Aljoscha Bechthold

European and International Affairs

+32 (2) 788 2206

Ina Brüggemann

European and International Affairs

+49 (30) 1663 1120
Dan Constantin

Dan Constantin

European and International Affairs

+32 (471) 833 107
Profilbild Sabrina Steinkamp

Sabrina Steinkamp

European and International Affairs

+32 (2) 788 2208
Profilbild Jeanette Vanderwaeren

Jeanette Vanderwaeren

Assistant European and International Affairs

+32 472 65 0476
Transparency in political advocacy

Transparency in political advocacy

In May 2021, we were accepted as a member of the "Alliance for Lobby Transparency". There, together with other members such as the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), Transparency Germany, the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the association DIE FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany (NABU) or the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv), we are committed to better rules for transparent and open representation of interests. 



We are an official supporter of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). The United Nations programme creates a framework for a sustainable banking industry. The focus is on integrating sustainability into all business areas of the participating banks. The focus is on aspects of integration at strategic, portfolio and transaction level. For more information, see our article on the Principles for Responsible Banking.

Antitrust compliance

We ensure compliance with the antitrust law framework for the association's work through internal guidelines and measures. In addition, each body of the banking association sets out its tasks and activities in a mission statement. In addition, each member of a committee must confirm that he or she recognises the standards for antitrust-compliant behaviour described in the guidelines.

Registration entries

Registration entries

We have been registered in the EU Transparency Register since 2008. You can find our entry under the register number 0764199368-97. We are also entered in the lobby register of the German Bundestag with the registration number R001458. Here you can find our entry at the Transparency Register of the European Commission

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