Regional associations

The Bankenverband Baden-Württemberg represents the joint interests of the private banks in its region. It provides information to its members on the questions that affect them and makes statements to state legislators, official bodies and the public on those issues that affect the banks.

The Bankenverband Mitte, based in Frankfurt am Main, represents the interests of private banks in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. More than 100 member institutions with almost 40,000 employees are affiliated with the association. Their work focuses on expanding and strengthening Frankfurt as a financial hub.

The Bankenverband represents the joint interests of the private banks active in North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition to the four major banks, this includes almost 30 regional and specialist banks, as well as a total of almost 30 private banking houses, branches of foreign banks and pfandbrief banks (credit institutions licensed to engage in pfandbrief operations).

The Bankenverband is committed to their principal task of constructively supporting economic policy in Schleswig-Holstein with the goal of creating suitable framework conditions for sustainable economic development.

The Bayerische Bankenverband represents the interests of the approximately 60 private banks operating in Bavaria, who in turn employ around 23,000 employees.

The Bankenverband Niedersachsen e.V. and the Bankenverband Bremen e.V. merged with the Bankenverband Hamburg e.V. in 2021, creating the Norddeutscher Bankenverband e.V. with 58 members and around 17,000 employees. In addition to the major banks, members include all regional and specialist banks, as well as foreign bank branches.

We are the voice of private banks and financial sector businesses with headquarters or branches in Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt or Thuringia. Our 37 members include major, regional and specialist banks, private banking houses and fintechs. In total, these institutions employ around 12,000 people in the region. We publish opinions and analyses that call for sustainable economic policy in eastern Germany.