
Smooth payment processes require legal, organisational and technical framework conditions in order to guarantee they are reliable and transparent. This is true for real-time payments with a mobile phone or when paying with cash in the shops. It is also essential that payment systems can utilise new technologies and continually expand potential applications. The Association of German Banks works closely with all participants on the payments market – including the European Commission, infrastructure providers and various economic sectors. In the future, we will continue to push for attractive, innovative payment methods that satisfy client’s needs and requirements.

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Our contact persons for payment transactions

Ingo Beyritz

Dr. Ingo Beyritz

Head of Payments

+49 (30) 1663 2321
Profilbild Petra Fischer-Carius

Dr. Petra Fischer-Carius


+49 (30) 1663 2324
Profilbild Wulf Hartmann

Wulf Hartmann

Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

+49 (30) 1663 3140
Matthias Lange

Matthias Lange


+49 (30) 1663 2318
Jörg Schmiese

Jörg Schmiese


+49 (30) 1663 2313
Albrecht Wallraf

Albrecht Wallraf


+49 (30) 1663 2312
Profilbild Lothar Wand

Lothar Wand

Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering

+49 (30) 1663 3130
Fabian Schuster

Fabian Schuster


+49 (30) 1663 2314

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