The Board of Directors re-elects Christian Sewing
as President of the Association of German Banks
Christian Sewing was re-elected as President of the Association of German Banks in a Board of Directors’ meeting today. The Deutsche Bank CEO has been President of the Association since 1 July 2021. He begins his second term today.
Sewing thanked the Board for the trust they have placed in him. He also highlighted the economic situation over the past few years, noting that it had been marked by many challenges. He said: “Banks have demonstrated their resilience during this period, providing significant support to the economy. Private banks will continue to take their responsibility seriously, doing their part to foster a successful economic transition and ensure the German economy remains competitive.” As a means of guaranteeing that these goals can be achieved, he called for an increase in European integration, especially in capital markets and a globally competitive regulatory environment.
Sewing has been a member of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank AG since 1 January 2015 and its CEO since April 2018. He has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of German Banks since April 2018.
Thomas Schlüter
Head of Communication