Economy outlook
The Association of German Banks pays particular attention to and analyses the economy, financial market developments and interest rate policies from the European Central Bank (ECB). Banks play an important role in financing the economy and act as a central link between the economy and the financial markets. Stable financial markets and a reliable economic environment are decisive. By carefully observing and analysing economic developments and monetary policy, we can publish timely information on the effects they have on the stability and performance of the financial sector. Doing so allows us to provide guidance on economic policy, which is useful not just for the banks, but also for private individuals and businesses, those with savings, those who have borrowed money and investors. This in turn strengthens sustainable development for our economy and improves Germany’s ability to compete on a global stage.
Our contacts on the subject of the economy

Volker Hofmann
Head of Economics

Friederika Boehme

Maik Hoffmann
Working Student Economics
Our contacts on the subject of corporate financing

Dr. Hendrik Hartenstein
Head of Corporate Finance
Ina Brüggemann
European and International Affairs

Dr. Lambert Köhling, LL.M.
Legal Affairs and Anti-money Laundering
René Lorenz
Capital Markets

Phillip Lang
Corporate Finance

Ruth von Oppen
Corporate Finance

Daniela Preiß
Corporate Finance

Laurence Rüß
Assistant Corporate Finance

Marc-Clemens Wecker
Corporate Finance
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