
6 new savings tips for 2025

No buy month, digital budgets and more

Vivien Rottka
Vivien Rottka
Girl pays with her smartphone at a vending machine

The new year is an excellent time to set new savings goals. But of course, you probably already know all the classic tips for saving money, from reducing electricity use to cancelling subscriptions. But what about more creative approaches? This article discusses some of the more unusual savings tips for daily life, ones that often become habits. Get inspired to start a new year of savings in 2025!

1. Wait for seasonal discounts

You probably know that in the first week of January, just after Christmas, shops often offer very attractive sales. But with a little bit of patience, you can take advantage of sales throughout the whole year and save plenty of money. Wait until the end of the season – or even for it to be over entirely – to make clothing or electronics purchases. Winter clothing, for example, is usually much cheaper in spring and electronics are often marked down after Christmas.

In order to take advantage of these discounts, it’s important to plan larger purchases in advance. Then, keep an eye on the sales and buy what you want once it is marked down.

2. Try a “no-buy” month

A no-buy month is an interesting challenge. It can highlight how little we truly need. Pick a month of your choice, and refrain from buying anything non-essential, such as decorations, snacks or a fourth pair of jeans. Purposeful abstinence can help you to rethink your shopping habits and focus only on what is truly necessary. January is a great month to try this, because we tend to be particularly motivated to make changes at the beginning of the year.

3. Set rules for shopping

Almost everyone knows the trick of writing a shopping list to keep an eye on what you are buying and not spend more than you had planned to at the shops. But do you know the following rules for shopping?

Cool-off period: Instead of impulse buying, wait 24 hours before making small purchases and a week before making larger ones. After waiting a bit, you will often realise that you don’t really need the item.

Confirmation: Before buying anything, ask yourself if you really need it.

And think carefully about when you go shopping. Never go when you are hungry, or shortly before closing time – this will help you to avoid spontaneous purchases.

4. Take advantage of sharing apps

How much stuff do you have just lying around the house that you never really use? Why not simply share those items you only need occasionally? Tools, party supplies or even cars can be rented or offered cheaply on a variety of platforms and apps. There are plenty of very easy to use and low-cost solutions available. By renting these items, you save money but also space in your home.

5. Buy used, not new

Purchasing second-hand products is both cheap and sustainable. Clothing, electronics, furniture and books are typical second-hand goods that can often be found in good condition for a small fraction of the retail price.

You can also take stock of the items you no longer use, and swap or sell them. That saves you money twice over – both when making a purchase and when re-using specific items.

6. Keep a digital budget

A budget is a tried and tested method for keeping an eye on your income and expenditures. However, there’s no need to keep an old-fashioned, paper budget. There are dedicated apps that do some of the work for you by tracking and automatically categorising your income and outgoing expenses. 

If you do not want to use an external app, many banks offer practical budget tools as part of their online banking services. Contact your bank to find out if this option is available to you.


Vivien Rottka


Vivien Rottka

Media Relations

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