Linnemann and Mekelburger call for reducing bureaucracy

We must press on with reducing bureaucracy in Germany and Europe. Natalie Mekelburger, CEO of automotive supplier Coroplast, and CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann were both in agreement on this in their joint interview at the German Banking Congress in Berlin today. Mekelburger said that businesses were buckling under the bureaucratic burden of climate mitigation. She was concerned that it might detract from the core issues.
CDU General Secretary sees progress in the EU
Linnemann agreed with Mekelburger: The EU has had to tread water in the past, he said. However, in some areas, there has been real progress in recent years, he pointed out. On matters of security and democracy, Europe has been "very strong", yet on bureaucracy, it has been “very weak”, he said.
Banking Congress 2024

Thomas Schlüter
Head of Communication

Juliane Weiß
press spokeswoman